River Report

Maumee River Report – June 1st 2017

Fast Current and a strong  afternoon wind yesterday made the Bluegill fishing may be the purest form of angling. Sunfish…

8 years ago

Maumee River Report – 31 May 2017

Maumee River The river is is still running a bit high but started to drop over night. Its been a…

8 years ago

Maumee River Report- May 30 2017- Lake Erie Emerald Shiners still available -and should have crawfish today as well

Not much change in the conditions over the weekend. The water level has held at 586 ft which is still…

8 years ago

Maumee River Report-29 May 2017- Memorial Day- We will be closing at 1 pm today

The river is still high  , but should begin togo down today. White Street and Orleans Park are probably the…

8 years ago

Maumee River Report- May 28 2017

Still looking at high water out on the river so fishing tactics need to be adjusted accordingly. Saw some more…

8 years ago

Maumee River Report- May 27th 2017

10% OFF ALL WADERS MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND ! We are fully stocked with Proline and Lacrosse waders at a signifigant…

8 years ago

Maumee River Report- May 26 2017- Memorial Day Weekend Sale On In Store Waders! 10% Off May 27-28-29!

Yesterday there were very few anglers out on the river despite the good fishing conditions.  Good fishing conditions doesn't always…

8 years ago

Maumee River and Lake Erie Report- May 25, 2017- New website up and running!

Maumee River How barometric pressure and spring storms affect fishing Yesterday with the overcast day and popup storms around the…

8 years ago

Maumee River Report: May 24, 2017

Tomorrow the new website goes live -it's going to look different so feel free to call us with any questions…

8 years ago

Maumee River Report -May 19 2017

Wading to Bluegrass Island is possible There is a vast amount of white bass in the Maumee right now. Today…

8 years ago