*click images to enlarge* Sunrise/First cast- 6:58 am am Sunset/Last Cast-8:12 pm Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted. Weight: 1/2…
*click images to enlarge* Sunrise/First cast- 6:59 am am Sunset/Last Cast-8:11 pm Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted. Weight:…
*click images to enlarge* Sunrise/First cast- 7:01 am Sunset/Last Cast-8:10 pm Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted. Weight: 1/2 –…
*click images to enlarge* Sunrise/First cast- 7:03 am Sunset/Last Cast-8:09 pm Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted. Weight: 1/2…
*click images to enlarge* Sunrise/First cast- 7:04 am Sunset/Last Cast-8:08 pm Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted. Weight:…
You never know what you will bump into out on the river, big ole cat released safely by the way. …
We get a lot of calls and questions as to whether fish are biting, despite all the pictures we post…
Walleye and drumsticks. SUNRISE/ FIRST CAST-7:10 am SUNSET/ LAST CAST-8:05 pm WEIGHT: 5/8 to 3/4 BLUEGRASS ISLAND: Do…
SUNRISE/ FIRST CAST-7:11 am SUNSET/ LAST CAST-8:04 pm WEIGHT: 5/8 to 3/4 BLUEGRASS ISLAND: Do not cross. *click images to…
SUNRISE/ FIRST CAST-7:12 am SUNSET/ LAST CAST-8:02 pm WEIGHT: 5/8 to 3/4 BLUEGRASS ISLAND: Do not cross. We have definitely…