River Report

Maumee River report 16 may 21

The river is finally down to just a little over average height. Still muddied up but all those fish ought…

4 years ago

maumee river report-13 May 21

Minnows , waxworms, leeches and worms in stock. River is still high and muddy,but dropping. coming down a little more…

4 years ago

Maumee river report- 12 may 21

White Bass tournament this Saturday-$20 entry fee-no teams -every man for himself. The river crested last night  and is starting…

4 years ago

Maumee River report- 10 May 2021- High water/cold nights

Oh man! It was cold and rainy yesterday-felt like a cold November rain, it even snowed in a few areas.…

4 years ago

Maumee River report-9 May 2021- another good white bass day-Fresh batch of Minnows in stock.

We want to honor all of the moms out there who have encouraged us to spend time outdoors while learning…

4 years ago

Maumee River report- Time to fish. -8 May 2021

NEW FACE BOOK PAGE IS "Maumee Tackle - Fishing, Kayaking & Shooting Outfitters" THE OLD PAGE HAD  JUST THE WORKD…

4 years ago

Maumee river Report – May 7 2021- Lots of live bait in stock

We are just about fully stocked with LIVE BAIT for the spring . Emerald Shiners - $2.99 doz Nightcrawlers- $2.45…

4 years ago

maumee river report- may 4,2021

Water has dropped - wading to bluegrass island is permitted. Fishing picked up yesterday after a slow weekend. The white…

4 years ago

maumee river report- may 3 ,2021

Business note: We have to create a new Facebook page it will look the same as the old, and function…

4 years ago

Maumee river report. 1 may 2021

Shop hours 7a-7p Wading to Bluegrass Island is not permitted, water still on the rise . Walleye rules lifted.trebel and…

4 years ago