*click on images to enlarge* Sunrise/First cast- 7:21 am Sunset/Last Cast-7:57 pm Wading to Bluegrass Island is not permitted Weight: …
Big Joshys stocked back up. Plus we now have the Big Joshy Crawfish Baits. Sunrise/First cast- 7:23 am Sunset/Last Cast-7:56…
The new Waft "BulletProof Rod"-  green head and motor oil tail, getting it done. Stop in and check out theses…
Sunrise/First cast- 7:27 am Sunset/Last Cast-7:54 pm Wading to Bluegrass Island is not permitted this morning. Water came up over…
Fresh batch of emerald shiners in stock-waxworms too. Sunrise/First cast- 7:28 am Sunset/Last Cast-7:53 pm Wading to Bluegrass Island is …
*click on all images to enlarge* TIME TO FISH Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sunrise/First cast- 7:30 am Sunset/Last Cast-7:52 pm Wading to Bluegrass…
Sunrise/First cast- 7:31 am Sunset/Last Cast-7:50 pm Wading to Bluegrass Island is  permitted Weight:  5/8 oz -3/4 oz *Click…
Sunrise/First cast- 7:33 am Sunset/Last Cast-7:49 pm Wading to Bluegrass Island is not permitted-maybe later today as the water drops…
Sunrise/First cast- 7:37 am Sunset/Last Cast-7:48 pm Wading to Bluegrass Island is NOTÂ permitted- water on the slow drop All…
Look at that fish-Beginners luck-its a real thing. Sunrise/First cast- 7:38 am Sunset/Last Cast-7:47 pm Wading to Bluegrass Island is…