The river is still low after that rain but cooling nicely so we should see some good walleye and steelhead…
Cool nights and a little bit of rain has a few river walleye on the hunt. October and November the…
Slowly but surely our supplies for next year are starting to trickle in.. we got a few waders in yesterday.…
Fall weather is here. This weekend looks like it's going to be very nice out -be a suitable time for…
Still Open for Kayaking trips. The water is still low and slow. Even though we are approaching October this fall…
 A MISTY MORNING ON THE MAUMEE Kayaking is a great escape anytime, and especially now people of…
*click on images to enlarge* Ok so we got some rain and some cooler nights-that ought to freshening up the…
Even though the river is super low, we are seeing a few of the resident walleye and saugeye being caught. …
"ANGLER X" pulled a walleye out at orleans park yesterday--they are in there just gotta hunt a little bit. Most…
The river temperature has dropped as a result of these cooler nights. And as a result it looks like we're…