Kayak rentals start tommorow. Wading to bluegrass island is permitted. The morning bite yesterday was very slow, we kinda expected that…
Cold and wind yesterday slowed the bite down, Thats ok the cold is keeping the river temps in the mid…
Wading to bluegrass is permitted. These cold nights have the white bass bite a little slower in the morning. As…
The shop is open, we are still processing FFL transfers, ther river is open, the white bass has no size…
So easy a 6 and 5 year old can do it- White bass are in. *click on images to enlarge*…
Wading to bluegrass island is permitted Walleye and white bass this weekend! WE saw both caught over the last few…
Spring Fishing restrictions lifted. -Ok to night fish, use more than one hook, more than one rod. All river access…
Still seeing walleye limits. *Click on images to enlarge* Last day of spring walleye run restrictions. Tommorow- treble hooks are…
first cast-632 am Last cast-831 pm Wading to blue grass island is permitted. Still seeing quite a few walleye being…
First cast-634am Last cast-829 pm wading to bluegrass is permitted