Categories: River Report

Lake Erie and Maumee River Report- 5 July 2017

Maumee River

The water level dropped very fast in the last few days so as a result fishing conditions have significantly improved. In river systems, high water means ripping current – and most fish  just aren’t physically built to fight current all day long. For that reason, they congregate in areas that allow them respite from the current. as the levels drop currents can still be strong -focusing on current breaks, and the eddies they create, is one of the quickest ways to find action in this type of water. Eddies allow fish to hang with ease just out of the current, while staying close enough to nab any baitfish that wash their way. Right now crawfish are very active and are a main source of food for all the river species – live craws(which we have in stock)  and tube baits are good for the current conditions.When the visibility is low, fish  have to rely almost entirely on their lateral lines to feed – which means you have to up your presentations to get their attention. The same baits may be effective, but you’ve got to tweak them a little bit. Opt for spinnerbaits with big thumping Colorado blades ,  vibrating jigs, bulky plastics, and loud rattling cranks . It also pays off to use colors that will show up well in the murk – like dark blacks and blues for plastics, or bright chartreuse’s and oranges for winding baits.

Lake Erie

Surface Temp 74
Winds:NE 10~15 knots
Waves 0 to 2 feet.forecast for today….
Water Clarity: Good-but the muddy water from all the rain is just starting to work in from the Maumee

Fish being pulled out front in 20 -21 feet of water from SW of the intake to Flat Rock. Also getting some reports of inside off of Crane Creek in 12-15 feet of water
East of Locust, Round, Flat Rock, Crib, and Cone reefs, are still doing well.
Reports of good walleye fishing off Crane Creek, the Intake, around K and L Cans, Locust, Flat Rock, Cone and Crib reefs. Crawler harnesses and bottom bouncers or casting weight forwards .

Some good  reports the last few days, sounds like the perch fishing isbegininmg to pick up . Reports of good catches just south of B Can and the Intake.

Have Fun Be Safe and Good Luck Fishing

Mario Campos

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