Categories: River Report

Maumee River Report -10 July 17-Summer Fly Fishing

We are a fully stocked fly shop and whether it’s grabbing a few flies for a day on the local pond or getting  outfitted for your upcoming trip up north stop in and see what we have to offer.
We carry fly rods and reels from Okuma, St.Croix ,  Pflueger and scientific Angler. We feature Scientific Angler fly lines, leaders and tippets and also have a huge fly selection. Whether you are an experienced angler or just a beginner, we have everything you need. Check out all of the latest fly fishing gear before your next adventure.

The past weekend was almost perfect weather conditions , and those that took advantage of the beautiful weather found angling success both on the Maumee river and out on Lake Erie. We had great reports of yellow perch, walleye, smallmouth bass  and white bass all caught this weekend  in the river

As soon as this line of storms pass we will continue to see good fishing throughout the week. this rain and warm weather has all the bugs, worms, leeches , crayfish and all the other tasty creatures that fish eat stirred up and washing into the local waters .  Natural baits are effective because of their familiar texture, odor, and color, and require a relatively simple presentation. They are generally most effective when acquired locally.Some anglers prefer to use artificial baits or lures made to imitate prey or prey characteristics such as color, flash, or shape, that fish find attractive.

And with nice weather upon us it is the perfect time to break out the fly rod or if a beginner get out thee and  experience a new way of fishing.

Flies are artificial imitations of the aquatic and terrestrial insects and other prey creatures found in and near trout streams. Fly fishing is different than spin casting, using different equipment and techniques.  Flies weigh only a few grams and are constructed—tied–from a range feathers, fur, thread, tinsel, and even foam and other space-age materials.

Fishing techniques employed for summer fly fishing are usually different than those used in the spring.   By summer,the fish have become accustomed to natural foods found in the river or local ponds.   Mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies abound in most of our coldwater streams.   This is why fly fishing is one of the more popular methods of catching fish during the summer months.   Anglers using spinning gear with small spinner flies will also enjoy good success.

Some creeks and streams maintain cold flows throughout the summer, particularly those that are shaded by trees.   However, anglers will often encounter streams that seem to be too warm for good fishing.   While bass, walleye, and steelhead trout   may be spread out evenly in a stream during the spring, as the summer progresses, water temperatures will rise.   In these situations,fish  will seek out areas in a creek or stream  that provide a coldwater refuge.   This often becomes the adventure part of summer  fishing.   Anglers, through experience/ trial and error, must determine where the fish move to as water temperatures rise.   Areas where anglers should concentrate their fishing efforts are around the mouths of tributaries, where springs enter a stream, or where, as they wade, they encounter colder water from groundwater upwellings .

While, fishing during the summer and early fall can provide some very exciting and rewarding angling experiences, anglers should exercise caution when landing and handling gamefish if the intent is to catch and release..   Low flows , and subsequently warmer water temperatures are characteristic of  many streams during the summer.   These conditions cause increased stress on the fish.

To help increase the gamefish chances of survival after being caught, anglers should follow several simple rules if they plan on releasing the fish:

1.     Time is important – play and release the fish as quickly as possible to reduce unnecessary stress.

2.     Keep the fish in the water as much as possible and use a pair of forceps or needle-nosed pliers to remove the hook (cut the line if deeply hooked).

3.     Handle the fish with bare, wet hands.   Do not squeeze the fish, put your fingers in the eyes or gills, or cause scale loss.

4.     When releasing the fish, move it slowly and gently forward and backward in the water to force water across the gills until the fish is ready to swim off on its own.

On a final note, some of the streams we fish  flow through private land.   Through the willingness and good will of the various landowners, they allow you to come onto their land and enjoy the pleasures of fishing – respect their rights as a landowner.   Don’t litter.   Leave gates as you find them.   Essentially, treat their property as you would want others to treat your property.

While there is nothing wrong with keeping a few tasty fish for dinner, many of our game fish are a limited resource.

Have Fun , Be Safe and Good Luck Fishing





Mario Campos

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