Categories: River Report

Maumee River report- 12 april 2021

Sunrise/First cast- 7:00 am

Sunset/Last Cast-8:11 pm

Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted as of this morning.

Weight:   heavier weights today as the water is still on the rise.

All access areas including Bluegrass are accessible today as of this morning. Water is on the rise -exercise caution.

Good fishing….thats what yesterday was…. good fishing.

We saw fish caught at all access points today. All sorts of species were caught on the walleye rigs , Walleye, smallmouth bass, catfish, carp, big carp, suckers, white bass, shad. The rain definitely  sparked some action. The walleye ranged in size from big females all the way down to some smaller just keeper size jacks and everything in between. Lots of fun for those that went out.


Today we are coming off a cooler night in the mid 40s. Thats what it takes (along with the rain ) to keep those walleye running. Davis outlook, Ft meigs and downstrean to White street and Orleans park as the water rises. Going to be good fishing on the Towpath today. 


Not a white bass.


“Aww man ! I told you to hold on tight!” Lol- the one that got away.


Have fun, be safe and good luck fishing

Mario Campos

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