Henry 22 Magnum
Hard to Finds Classics in stock. Brand new /unfired.
*Click image to enlarge*
Fall is absolutely one of the best times to target Pike in the Maumee..now that we are in early winter they can still be caught ,just need to adjust tactics a bit.
As we know pike like to hide in the weeds. As water temps steadily drop, vegetation begins to die off. Pike love to sit in the weeds for a few reasons. First the rich oxygen that healthy green weeds give off, and two, to stalk their prey that hide in the weeds. However, as the weeds begin to die off it disperses those fish and they move on to the next favorable area: deep weeds. Weeds in deeper water tend to stay alive longer because the water temps will be just a little warmer. Pike will move into backwater coves and feed heavy leading up to the winter months. Look for downed trees and deeper pockets in backwater coves. (behind Ft Meigs for example) There are some very shallow coves that have channels or deep holes (deep being a relative term here) that pike hold in as ambush points. The rest of the area can be almost featureless, muddy flats with some scattered weeds and big fish can be found hiding in these pockets. Sometimes anglers will burn a bait through a promising area and say “nope, nothing here.” Just slowing it down and working those dips in the river can really pay off. Casting big spoons and slow rolling them gives the impression of an injured baitfish. I also like big jointed swimbaits, yup the same ones casting off the piers for walleye-or bigger.. I’ll dig into my tackle box for a jointed Bomber Magnum . These baits have proven to get the attention of some big uns.
Have fun, be safe and good luck fishing.
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