Categories: River Report

maumee river report


One of my favorite fishing times of year:


I just want to get some information out early concerning the fall walleye fishing activity when the walleye and yellow perch move in close and can be taken at night right off the shoreline. Each autumn signals a ton of walleye action in Lake Erie’s central and western basins. Early October when the lake temperature approaches the 50’s we find walleye hunters prowling the piers and shoreline from the Port Clinton thru the Maumee bay and up into Michigan.  These anglers are tuned into the nocturnal walleye feeding action.  Lake Eries central and western basin  walleye schools make what many call a “pre-spawn staging movement” each fall. Schools of big fish move in and put on a feeding binge, fattening up for winter and  the spring spawn. Thousands of western basin walleye move toward the shoreline drop-offs in search of gizzard shad and other baitfish. Drawn by warmer waters  they are often located close to the first or second deep-water drops and move into shoreline shallows to surface feed at night. One  thing I have noticed, rattling crank baits generally out fish the quiet ones 2 to 1.  Night anglers at the piers use predominately  Rattletrap, Bomber Long-A’s , P-10s and Spoon type of lures.

Keep one thing in mind- as the water temperatures cool, slow your presentation.


Perch bite is getting better as the mud settles from that big blow last week. 

Minnows in stock at both Maumee and Lakeside. 

Mario Campos

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