Categories: River Report

Maumee river report-19 april 2020



Wading to Bluegrass island is permitted.

Weight  1/2 oz or less -river is running low

Colors-The smaller heads–green head/ rocket red tail,  red head/ clear green tail.   purple/yellow head /yellow tail

Maumee River -Wide open for fishing

Maumee side-Metro parks are all open for fishing, River rd(the access rd )is closed to parking and for thru traffic. Get dropped off or walk.

Perrysburg side- All access areas open for fishing and parking.

*Click on images to enlarge*

Yesterday was a bit slow but it has been a cooooold few days for April, that probably had them slowed down , but its keeping the river cool and the walleye in there longer. . Today will be much warmer so we should see a spark in the action.

We are still seeing some rock hard females coming in fresh from the lake , so all indications point to a good long run. Its going to be one of those where in the  next week to ten days you go out and catch a walleye then 3 white bass, then another walleye then a white bass then a walleye…good fun fishing on every cast.

Have fun be safe and good luck fishing




Mario Campos

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