Decent fishing ,but not as good as it could be. Still some  white bass in the river. We are seeing some good catfish and smallmouth bass being caught in random spots as well.

The local ponds and lakes are producing some bluegill . Big bass are starting to bite.Try  one of our Z-man “Project Z ”  chatterbaits-bass love em.  

“CPR” –Catch , Photo , Release.

We are just about fully stocked with LIVE BAIT for the spring .

Emerald Shiners – 


Green Nightcrawlers-

Wax worms-

As soon as it warms up we will have live crawfish.




We are having  a great weekend kayaking here in Maumee and Grand Rapids. 

We will be open and ready all memorial day weekend, If you have a large group call ahead and make a reservation to reserve your spot.  40$ per person for the day.

Maumee,OH -419-893-3474

Grand Rapids, OH Kayaking- 419-830-3077

Have fun , be safe , see you out there.