Categories: River Report

Maumee River Report – 5 March 2021

Sunrise/First cast- 7:03 am

Sunset/Last Cast-6:29 pm

Wading to Bluegrass Island is not permitted.

Somebody catch a walleye already..Im tired of posting the shop logo.. lol!

Ok,Ok yea I know its still a bit early but man the river conditions looks real good. This warm river water flowing ot to lake erie is triggering that spawning instict and they are on their way. Be ready.

Water Level Explained: We use the gauge under the 475 bridge as our main source for water level information.  Feet above sea level is how it is measured- 582 ft above sea level is considered relativly normal and good wading conditions for the Maumee – So today being at 583 the level is running just a bit over normal. This also the gauge used by the Metroparks to determine if wading to Bluegrass island is safe/permitted.

Besides the  world Famous Maumee River walleye run we also have the Sandusky river running over there thru Fremont Ohio.   Being a smaller more shallow river it warms quicker than the Maumee, so we often see the Sandusky producing fish a few days before we see them here.  Also the spawning grounds are in closer proximity to Lake Erie so the fish dont have as far to travel to hit the rocky, brushy gravel beds for spawning.

Good place to start would be 3/4 to 1 oz weight  today .

24-36 in leader .

As its very early in the season start with your go too colors, there s something to be said for fishing with confidence.  If you slammed em on christmas lights color last year then start with christmas lights and so on.

Just a few colors that we know produce are pictured below-glow-chartruse sparkle, pink sparkle, shimmershad, motoroil, white fire tail, clear head pink sparkle, green firetail.

we have many more options available as well.

Have fun, be safe and good luck fishing


Mario Campos

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