Categories: River Report

Maumee river report- april 15 2022

Its all good on the river..Nice job !



WEIGHT3/4   – 1 oz oz– 

Water came up a bit , not much. The morning bite was good then it got WIN.DEE. Strong winds blew most anglers off the river seeing as it was too hard to cast. 

The rain freshened up the river  a bit as well, maybe enough to bring in another push of walleye. 

BLUEGRASS ISLAND:  ok to cross this morning

Cold weather at night is keeping the river temps from getting too high . We are seeing some white bass,but the cooler the weather the longer the walleye stick around.


Scented Baits…I call it Stink.

First some anatomy:The small openings on a fish nose are called nares. These nares aren’t like our nostrils which are connected to our throats. Instead, they lead to an open chamber with sensory pads, that relay the scent information to the brain then signals the fish on what’s the appropriate response- flight or bite. Our goal is bite.

The importance of scent is often dismissed however, steelhead /salmon would be a great example of how important smell is to fish as this is how they return to the river where they were born. So yes scent does matter. One plus  to the use of scents is the ability to mask our human odor.  We carry a predatory complex amino acid which can be transferred to a lure when we touch it, use the scent to mask our human odor and reduce the flight response from fish.  Berkley has a entire lab dedicated to development of scent , it works and is cheap. Also, the smell is not totally disgusting so its easy to apply. Just a good squirt in the bag of plastic grubs , squish em around and forget about it. When you go to put your bait on they are all pre-scented.  Also once the fish does bite they dont taste plastic but the fish oil concoction  and are apt to hold on longer giving you time to set the hook.


Have fun , be safe  have good luck fishing….smell ya later.


Mario Campos

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