Categories: River Report

Maumee River Report- March 2 , 2021-

Carolina rig pictured above and below..preferred rig of most Maumee river walleye fishermen

Carolina rig with trolling sinker






As we wait for the walleye to arrive let me tell you a little bit about our area here in Maumee, OH. Our stretch of the river is very rocky and brushy, that’s why the walleye come here to spawn ,there are a  lot of places for their eggs to stick and mature into hatchlings. Also our stretch of the river has many public access points with good parking and great fishing opportunities, here on the Maumee side we have White Street public Access the towpath access, side cut Metro Park and Jerome road rapids area. Over on the Perrysburg side of the river we have Orleans Park, Fort Meigs, Davis Overlook and Buttonwood campground.  When you come to our river dont litter and make a mess- show a little home training even if it hurts- they will write you a well deserved fine if you dont. Depending on the water level these are all great spots to get into some walleye during the spring run.

Looks like the river is kind of leveled out today and a lot of the brush and icebergs are clearing out so it should start to get a little more fishable. Heavy weights , fishing the breaks and eddys in the currents is the place to target the early walleye. Also as  soon as we see a fish or two my fish cleaners will be here ready to go.

As far as restrictions, like the knee-jerk reactions that were in place last year, we are not seeing anything as of now. Out of State fishing licenses are available and all access areas are open.

Fishing from a Kayak

Kayak fishing is becoming very popular for good reason. Kayaks are much cheaper than traditional gas engine boats, they allow anglers access to some of the most under-fished and remote waters.  It’s different than fishing out of a boat. You’re closer to the water,  sitting down, and deal with the wind and current a bit more – factors that require a little different approach than angling from a boat. Don’t be afraid to anchor, for most kayak models, a 2-4 pound claw anchor is more than sufficient. Also you can hug the shoreline -most kayaks are short and light enough to actually sit entirely in an eddy, preventing the boat from moving downstream, and giving you plenty of time to thoroughly fish the area. We still have good selection of fishing kayaks in stock.

Jackson Liska angling Kayak.

Here in the Maumee we are seeing more and more anglers heading out in their kayaks ,it makes some of these little back areas more accessible, keeps you away from the crowds, and zip-zip you can get to that place that waders and boaters can’t reach. If you lay up on the lee side of any of the islands or bridges then you will be out of the current and able just sit there and pick em off.


Have fun, be safe and good luck fishing



Mario Campos

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