Seeing some big small mouth bass starting to bite as well.,, its going to be a good season this year.
Good morning the river is finally down to a good fishable level it’s running at 581.5 which put you just a few inches below the average level for the Maumee River. The only issue we’re having right now is water clarity man that rain from last week really stir it up and it was a chocolatey muddy mess for the last five six days. Well all that’s passed us now in the water is starting to clear up nicely yesterday evening we saw the white bass turned on again, a few buckets a few stringer falls of big old one and a half and two plus pounders. The sheep head in the car are out there rolling and thrashing around like crazy spawning so you’re probably going to hook into some of those as well, don’t be disappointed when you hook into one- a 15 lb sheep head puts up a great fight.
Looks like this week the weather is going to be great it’s going to warm up and feel like summer, we are still looking to start kayak rentals this coming Friday so give us a call get your reservation in early.
We are fully stocked with shiners and we still have some leeches available.
Have fun, be safe and good luck fishing
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