Big News- New shop in Grand Rapids, Ohio along the Maumee River.-27 may 2021

Maumee River Outfitters-Grand Rapids Ohio

We are very happy to announce our purchase of the kayak shop location in Grand Rapids , Ohio formerly known as “River Lures”.

As you know here at our Maumee  location we  have a kayak showroom and  livery rental running daily river trips. So we are very excited to bring our energy,experience and good vibes to the beautiful town of Grand Rapids . Here’s the plan, our goal is to open the shop in Grand Rapids for river trips Friday June 4th, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m -daily. Our selection of kayak trips will be limited this year as we are pretty much starting from scratch with limited resources , such as vans and employees. I feel it is better to do one or two things well, than to try to do six or seven things half-way. We will have a selection of fishing tackle, kayaking accessories, and by the end of July some kayaks for sale in our  retail showroom. In the next few days we will be adding a “Maumee River Outfitters of  Grand Rapids” section to our current website at, . We will be creating a new Facebook and Instagram page and the new phone number will also be posted .  We will be taking reservations in Grand Rapids this season just as soon as we can.

In the meantime stay tuned for updatesÂ

Thank you for your support, have fun, be safe and see you on the river.

Mario Campos Â

Mario Campos

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