Categories: River Report

Maumee river Report- april 8 , 2021

Sunrise/First cast- 7:06 am

Sunset/Last Cast-8:07 pm

Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted. 

Weight:   1/2 – 5/8 oz

All access areas including Bluegrass are accessible today.

That rain that is heading our way will be key in seeing how this run plays out. Now this season we really haven’t had any good rain here in the Maumee Ohio area, the big deal is that Fort Wayne Indiana hasn’t gotten any rain  more than once either. When Fort Wayne gets the rain then it eventually makes its way here to the Maumee, Ohio area. So it actually looks like the whole region is going to get a decent amount of rainfall in the next few days, and as long as Ft. Wayne gets it good we should have a nice fresh batch of walleye come in from the lake.  Also we are looking at a cold snap next week. What that rain and cold will do is raise the water level and cool the river little bit, which will trigger another batch of walleyes spawning instincts. –




Starting to see some of the big females trickle in . The evening bite (after 5pm )has been best. We have seen some limits but its taken all day to get them.  Any faster moving water has been good. I know they have been hitting a few in the Waterville area as well , water works park .

And oh yea, those crappie are hitting as well. Jigging minnows, mini mites, crappie tubes all work….when they work.

Crappie are finicky-dont give up.



Have fun be safe and good luck fishing



Mario Campos

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