Categories: River Report

Maumee river report- july 31st , 2022

Typically in the heat of the summer fishing in the river slows down, not this years . we have seen a pretty steady bite all summer. catfish , smallmouth bass and more walleye caught this summer than I’ve seen in a long time. All hitting a variety of baits. lead head/twister tail has been good for the walleye. Catfish are smakin a nightcrawler just floated off the bottom in faster water . Smallmouth bass have been hit the ploppers and small/med size crank baits .

Last day of July–still plenty of summer and sunshine left.

We have kayaks and paddleboards for rent  and sale .


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We need rain. River is very low , so while it makes access to some fishing holes easier, it is forcing us to adjust some of our kayak trips to deeper water. We have some great options up in Grand Rapids for upriver trips both on kayaks and paddleboards.  Down here in Maumee we can still run downiver on to Orleans park.  We plan on running trips on into late  September as long as the weather holds. 

Have fun , be safe and see you on the water 

Mario Campos

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