Water Level
580 ft
Water Temperature
33 degrees
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
2-4 inches
And just like that …it’s the end of the ice fishing season in the area… now on to spring.
So this is how the weather is going to go, it’s gonna warm up a little bit into the 40s low 50s, then it’s gonna get brutal cold again, then in March we will have that one 70° day of fake spring , then it’ll get cold again, then it’ll eventually warm in the spring ….. just like always.
Well, fishing on the Maumee river is not fast and furious right now, however, there are still fish to be caught if you venture out. Our man on the water River Kam went out and popped a few crappie at the crappie getting spot yesterday. Resident walleye, steelhead, and buffalo are also to be had if you find a nice set of rapids and work them.
That last few days of February is when I will start doing the daily reports on thru the spring.
Shop News: Starting Friday March 3rd we will be open 6am to 8pm-on through the spring.
Sample of one of the new shirts we have coming soon – SM , M, LG, XL, 2XL, 3XL will be available.
March 1st the spring fishing regulations go into effect… I will post the full rundown as we get closer.
River is ice free and clearing nicely up of debris . No walleye yet , but soon. Water has to warm up about 10 degrees
Water Level Explained: We use the gauge under the 475 bridge as our main source for water level information . Feet above sea level is how it is measured- 582 ft above sea level is considered relatively normal and good wading conditions for the Maumee – So today being at 580 the level is running just a bit low . This also the gauge used by the Metroparks to determine if wading to Bluegrass island is safe/permitted.
Besides the world Famous Maumee River walleye run we also have the Sandusky river running over there thru Fremont Ohio Being a smaller more shallow river it warms more quickly than the Maumee, so we often see the Sandusky producing fish a few days before we see them here. Also the Sandusky river spawning grounds are in closer proximity to Lake Erie so the fish dont have as far to travel to hit the rocky, brushy gravel beds for spawning.
Have fun , be safe and good luck fishing