Latest River Report and Conditions

Last Updated: Mar 24, 2025 Check for Updates

Water Level Icon

Water Level

580- running low

Tempurature Icon

Water Temperature

39 degrees

Barometric Pressure Icon

Barometric Pressure


Water Clarity Icon

Water Clarity

4-6 inches



Sunrise : 7:31 AM (First cast)

Sunset: 7:50 PM (Last cast) 

5 ft leader and 5/8 to 3/4 oz weight

Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted.



Man.. I think they found my secret location.

*click to enlarge*

Keeping up with the trends

1960s– Simple lead head- twist it the right way and yank away.

(still works on a cold day like today with a juicy piece of worm attached- gets bites)


Dollflys- leadhead with a bit of yarn or hair attached. Gets some bites and keep yankin’ .


1980s- plastic more prevalent now

Leadhead with twistertail- more bites? Maybe? 

Definitly more DNR presence.


1990s- 2000s

Lots of DNR and Tech.

Carolina rig – floater and tail , egg or trolling sinker

More bites.


Modern day – 

Carolina rig – tail and or no tail.

More bites – less snags?

 Which is best ? WHO KNOWS !

Whatever inspires confidence that’s what I say.




Decent bite yesterday- Cold but way less anglers on the river . Shold be bout the same today.

Play hooky and go fishing



A slight chance of snow showers between 11am and 1pm, then a chance of rain and snow showers. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 42. Little or no snow accumulation expected.




Jerome, Buttonwood and Bluegrass

Water is low so if you are in a boat proceed with caution.




Have fun ,be safe and good luck fishing


Suggested Baits

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