Water Level
Water Temperature
38 degrees
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
*click on images to enlarge*
So if you saw my earlier note , a transformer blew and we had no power for most of the day at the shop. I got tired of being cold at the shop so I figured Id go be cold down by the river. The clear cold water was absolutely perfect conditions. In a little over an hour I got four carp, two walleye and a Steelhead . Austin from the shop went out and nailed some Pike. With the cold water and relatively light winds I imagine that this weekend will me more of the same. There was no doubt about the hits on my baits either, these fish were hitting hard. Gear up and head out before the water muddies up.
Leadhead with twister tail, salmon egg clusters and Bomber long A’s were all doing the trick. Stop in and we can point you in the right direction this week end.
Be safe , have fun and good luck fishing.
Suggested Baits
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