Water Level
Water Temperature
39 degrees
Barometric Pressure
29.52 inHg. rising
Water Clarity
6 in
Sunrise/First Cast-Â 7:04 am
Sunset / Last Cast- 6:28 pm
Crossing to Bluegrass island is not permitted
A reminder that the Maumee river is formed at the confluence of the St Joseph and St Mary rivers, at Ft Wayne, IN and meanders northeast ward for 137 miles  through a mostly agricultural region , before flowing into the Maumee Bay of Lake Erie. So when The Ft Wayne area gets significant weather in one form or another the river levels and temps are affected here in Maumee/Toledo area. So while we didnt get a whole lot of rain the other day. Ft Wayne got drenched and all that water plus the snow melt has the river up 3 feet in the two days . Thats ok cause all the warmer flow is going to bring in that first big school of walleye. Get your stringers ready.Â
Maybe throwing a leadhead jig to work the bottom would be a good idea to try today. The jig is designed to mimic a minnow, or represent some other food source. Sometimes, a properly-fished jig will cause a reflexive strike for a fish. Fishing technique for a jig can depend on the circumstances. The most effective method is to cast the lure out, and bounce it off the bottom. You will lose a lot of jigs like this, but if you aren’t hitting snags or rocks, you aren’t prospecting where the fish are located.Â
Have fun, be safe and have fun fishing