Water Level
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
6 in
Quick limits yesterday.
Sunrise -708 am
sunset -805 pm
Wading to Bluegrass island is permitted
The bite was on yesterday..limits by 9 am and fish caught all up and down the river. I know its tough , but try something different. Head up to waterville(5 min up the road) and try out Bend view Metro park or Farnsworth metro park, when you get there it will be you , maybe 1-2 other fisherman and 200,000 walleye. The walley dont stop at Jerome rd rapids ,they move all the way up to the Providence dam in Grand Rapids Ohio(15 min up the road)
All of the regular areas are accessible today.
1/2 oz weight
We are open, boat launches are open, the river is open.
Have fun be safe and good luck fishing.