Water Level
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
*click on images to enlarge*
JUNE- We went straight from winter to summer. This never ending high water has me looking at the seasons differently this year. Seems like all the seasons the last few years have been pushed back a few weeks . Winter is ending in April, spring is just starting in late May if we even get it, Summer runs til mid October.. that type of thing . So as the water in the Maumee has been high just about the last 5 weeks its been tough to get those white bass a good portion of those days. So adapt, there are many other species in that river that give great sport and are fine to eat as well. They have been catching some big ole fish in the last few days, Catfish, alligator gar, and buffalo carp. The big fish are the ones that are out prowling around in this time of year.Â
White bass are still in, today ought to be good as the water is calmer than its been in a few days.Â
have fun be safe and good luck fishing