Water Level
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
29.57 steady
Water Clarity
10 in
Spring Fishing restrictions lifted. -Ok to night fish, use more than one hook, more than one rod.
All river access are open-the river is open-THE MAUMEE RIVER IS OPEN-BOAT LAUNCHES ARE OPEN
Fully stocked on Minnows , worms and wax worms- Minnows are minnow sized= good for crappie, walleye , white bass, rock bass, bluegill, steelhead, sheephead, carp, and sucker.
Starting Store Summer Hours Today- Monday thru Saturday-7am-7pm, Sunday 7am-5pm
, Wading to Bluegrass island is permitted, Yes all parks are open., Yes you can drive to the access areas.
Walleye limits still being caught.
Walleye Limits still being caught.
White bass in high numbers being caught. White bass in high numbers being caught.White bass in high numbers being caught.White bass in high numbers being caught.White bass in high numbers being caught.
Have fun be safe and good luck fishing.