Water Level
Water Temperature
45-46 degrees
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
*click images to enlarge*
Sunrise/First cast- 7:01 am
Sunset/Last Cast-8:10 pm
Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted.
Weight: 1/2 – 5/8 oz
All access areas including Bluegrass are accessible today..
We are still seeing limit’s being pulled out steady. Saw the first limit at 9am yesterday , I expect today will be the same.
Some big females coming in, hard full of eggs and a few spawned out . Again.. we have a phenomenal season going this year.
We could use some rain, seeing as we have ralyy had only 2 big pushes of fish come in, although that last wave was full of walleye big time.
Have fun be safe and good luck fishing.