Water Level
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
12 in
Sunrise/First cast-6:53 am
Sunset/Last Cast-8:16 pm
Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted
Very cold today- 34 degrees when I walked out this morning. Bundle up, and hit the river. Try shorting your leader to around 3 ft or so, keeping it closer to the bottom. Try a lead head today, samesvthung- closer to the bottom.When the weather turns frigid, both fish and their live food sources move more slowly than they do when it’s warm. Because of this, live bait is goodto use in the cold. Put a piece of night crawler on a leadhead. Also, consider using attractants for soft plastic lures. Because fish aren’t as hungry in the cold, attractants will encourage them to bite and hold on once they do.
Hve fun , besafe and good luck fishing