Water Level
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
29.92 in
Water Clarity
8 in
Sunrise/First cast- 7:42 am
Sunset/Last Cast-7:44 pm
Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted
All fishing areas are accessible today .
Weight:Â Â 5/8 oz- 3/4
Color- Colors: Pink head/ green chartreuse tail, Yellow head/ Rocket Red tail, Black head / Shimmer shad tail, Orange head/ White tail.
“It’s gonna rain tommorow” that’s what the weather man has been saying for the last 10 days.. eventually they will be right.Â
Last night we got some drizzle, not enough to change the water level, we will see what this afternoon brings.
Water has been low and slow . We have a better chance of raising the level with the NE wind blowing some water into the river. Regardless, this slow water has had me thinking about pulling my kayak out and hitting the river. There are no rules on what type of kayak you have to fish out of. Choose a kayak that is comfortable and meets your individual needs no matter the trend. Each type can be outfitted with kayak fishing accessories and be successful at helping you catch fish.
Sit-in Kayaks- are those where your legs are partially or fully below the inside the kayak. These types of kayaks for fishing move swiftly in the water and have the following advantages : Greater control during paddling, which is ideal for fishing rivers and streams or rough water on larger lakes. More efficient to paddle means less fatigue on longer fishing trips. Enclosed compartments for kayak fishing gear storage, which is great for all day and overnight trips .
Sit-on Kayaks :The name says it all. Your body sits on top of the kayak, leaving you exposed as opposed to a sit-in kayak. Sit-on kayaks are the most popular type for fishing but have their own advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: Easily to launch and get on for quickly getting in and out of fishing spots ,more comfortable and accessible for fishing than sit-in kayaks, self-draining.
Most fish we saw caught yesterday were out in the bluegrass island/ buttonwood area. The faster water was the ticket.
Very simply put we need rain.
Runoff from a heavy rain carries all kinds of food in the form of worms and other crawling critters into the river. The increase in river flow also stirs small aquatic creatures from their living places, and increases oxygen flow needed for a successful walleye hatch. These conditions also can put fish into a feeding mode. As the water becomes murky and in many cases cools off, larger fish seem to move more freely about the river. We certainly don’t advocate fishing in a thunder and lightning storm, but when you see a steady rain, dress for it, turn on your mojo and go after ‘em. You’ll be glad you did.
And don’t worry the fish will be fine, I checked this morning and the fish are already wet.Â
Have fun, be safe and good luck fishing
Suggested Baits
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