Water Level
Water Temperature
40 degrees
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
2-3 inches
COLORS: A good rule of thumb on where to start is “bright colors on brighter sunny days / dark colors on the cloudy overcast days” Walleye don’t quite see colors the same way we see them. Keep in mind that we also have all colors available in the slightly larger 4 inch tails. And larger floating jig heads as well.More visible and gives a better vibration in this muddy water.
WEIGHT: 1 oz and up
BLUEGRASS ISLAND: Still way too high and dangerous to cross today-flowing fast and cold.
Click on the link below for tounament info.
3rd- Jackson Bite Angler Fishing Kayak
As its very early in the season start with your go too colors, there is something to be said for fishing with confidence. If you slammed ’em on christmas lights tail color last year then start with christmas lights, and so on.
Just a few colors that we know produce are pictured above-glow-chartruse sparkle, pink sparkle, shimmershad, motoroil, white fire tail, clear head pink sparkle, green firetail.
We have some more new options available as well.
Again if your going to fish today -Orleans park in Perrysburg will be your best chance.
Not a whole lot to report today-waiting for the waters to recede. Heard about one or two in Fremont pulled out of the sandusky river–that bodes well for us , some there means some here.
Bout the same -Heard about one or two pulled out yesterday of the Maumee but that’s about it. Once the water drops we are going to see some fish caught for sure.
Have fun be safe and good luck fishing.