Water Level
583 and dropping
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
2 inches
White bass are in thick and heavy . Water is a bit high(again) so orleans, white and Towpath are your best bets . Look for a bit of slack water, they will be schooled up there fore sure.
Once the water drops a bit itll be for real on- the weekends going to be very good.
Lake erie
Detroit River Lt. to Maumee Bay OH to Reno Beach OH beyond 5NM offshoreline to US-Canadian border
Reno Beach to The Islands OH beyond 5NM off shoreline to US
Canadian border
The Islands to Vermilion OH beyond 5 nm off shoreline to US
Canadian border
North winds 10 knots or less becoming east. Waves 2 feet or less.
East winds 5 to 15 knots. Waves 1 to 2 feet.
Have fun, be safe and good luck fishing.