Water Level
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
29.74 steady
Water Clarity
10 in
Fully stocked on minnows, waxworms , red worms and nightcrawlers.
First cast/sunrise-638 am
Last cast/sunset-826pm
Wading to Bluegrass island is permitted.
*click on images to enlarge*
Its going to be a great weekend. We are going to have decent temps , the walleye are still biting well and we are starting to see a few white bass move in as well. I hear the channel cats are awake and feeding heavily right now in the river as well, so grab some night crawlers and head out for a few of those as well. I bet you could go out catch a walleye , a white bass , some catfish , freshwater drum, a sucker, and maybe a spring smalmouth all in one day-thats 6 species out of the river.
We saw some nice fish come in yesterday a lot of twos and threes and even a few of limits , mostly 3-5lbs jacks . We saw a good morning bite with the action falling off around lunchtime then a nice pick up in the bite in the evening.The water has continued to warm getting a good push of fish moving in . Today looks to be a pretty nice day as long as that wind holds off , temps in close to 60  and cloudy.  Yesterday chartreuse head with a pink tail was the hot color combination. Almost anything with a pink tail was working yesterday. We also saw some taken on pepper green tails , and the Berkeley 2 in power grub Christmas lights.
Have fun be safe and good luck fishing