Water Level
Water Temperature
71 and cooling
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
10 inch
Welp it was a good summer for kayaking. But its getting pretty chilly soI think we are going to call it for the kayak season tomorrow Sunday September 25th. Thanks to everyone that came out this summer and took a trip with us .. hope you had fun. Now this doesn’t mean the Maumee shop is closed, we are open every single day of the year for kayak sales, firearm sales/ transfers, and of course all your fishing bait and tackle needs. Kayak season will resume May 2023.
Just a sample of the fun this summer
We went small mouth fishing yesterday evening and the cats were smashing the crankbaits. So me ,the boys and the fish hound had catfish dinner.
Time to start searching out those crappie. The river and ponds have dropped several degrees this past few nights so we are approaching optimal temps for those crappies to start feeding. More to come.
Have fun , be safe and good luck fishing.