Water Level
580. Very low - crossing to Bluegrass Island is permitted
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
8/10 inches
WEIGHT: 1/2 oz , 5/8 oz– water is very low, lighter weight.
BLUEGRASS ISLAND: Crossing is permitted
The river is still very low but may be on the slow rise . The little bit of rain we got in the region may have been enough to start to raise the levels . This should help get a nice first push of walleye up stream.
The good news is that the barometric pressure from the storm coming in yesterday worked wonders and the walleye bite actually turned out to be pretty good for the day.
Orange heads and various dark tails such as motoroil, Xmas lights and purple have been productive.
The key to yesterdays bite was the pressure coming in from the “storm” system .
How barometric pressure and spring storms affect fishing
Yesterday with the overcast day and popup storms around the area almost all anglers stayed home. The anglers that braved the drizle rain got into some walleye. With theses storms and weather fronts swirling around the area the barometric pressure plays a big factor in triggering the bite. While that impending storm front might end up in a damp day , it can also trigger a hot bite. What many anglers know , but don’t actually understand, is that it’s the changes in barometric pressure associated with good and bad weather that turn the fish on and off .
Better Fishing: As a storm system approaches, like yesterday, a low-pressure warm front rides up over the top of a high-pressure cold front, causing condensation to take place in the form of clouds. During the time the skies are clouding up, and right on through to the end of the storm, there is a slow and steady drop in barometric pressure that increases as the main body of the storm system approaches. Once the main body of the storm hits and moves through the area, rain, and winds form along the frontal line. The pressure continues to drop until it bottoms out as the storm runs its course. The fishing should be good this entire time.
Slower Fishing : As the inclement weather moves out, the cold front, which is a mass of heavy, dense, high-pressure air , begins to rush in behind the low-pressure system. The result is usually windy weather with clearing skies, dropping temperatures and a very sharp rise in barometric pressure. Large storms will bring in stronger, more powerful and sustained winds, along with a much steeper, higher rise in barometric pressure than smaller storm systems will. It’s this clear, windy weather following rainy low-pressure systems that turn off the bite .
Have be safe and good luck fishing