Water Level
583 ft
Water Temperature
42.5 degrees
Barometric Pressure
30.06 in
Water Clarity
6 in
Sunrise – 7:06 am
Sunset- 8:06 pm
Wading to Bluegrass island is not permitted.
*Fish cleaning available after 12 today*
Yesterday the bite was very good . The water level continued to drop throughout the day and many anglers that went out got there limits. Now that the water is down too a good wadeable level the fish have spread out and arent justr concentrated along the shore line. I went out yesterday and got my limit, all the fish I caught and hooked in to in and lost were in differnt parts of the river. Close to shore, in a way far out hole and one on the retrieve. This means they are active and moving all over.
All acces areas shold be productive today so spread out from Orleans and white street. Ft meigs, Davis and Buttonwood should all be good spots .
Weight- The water is daown- 3/4 oz and 5/8 should be the ticket.
Colors- Green head/ 2 in Xmas light tails were hot . Orange head shimmer shad(silver sparkle)tail, Yellow head/ rocket red tail
Long leaders-4 ft was working well
Have fun be safe and good luck fishing