Water Level
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
Sunrise/First cast- 6:54am
Sunset/Last Cast- 8:15pm
Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted.
Weight: 1/2 – 5/8oz
Hot Colors: White Head/Yellow Sparkle Tail, Red Head/Shimmer Shad Tail
Yesterday looked pretty similar to the past few days, that water is lowwwww, but people are still getting ’em. Seems it has been steady from from first cast til around 10:30 then it drops off, till later in the evening. We saw some limits, as well as guys with 3s and 4s. Heard that buttonwood, and bluegrass were producing better than Jerome yesterday.
LAST DAY TO WEIGH ANY FISH FOR THE TOURNAMENT (ends at 5:00pm)- Anthony Yeager is still in the lead with 9.56lbs
Looked like everyone had a blast at the trout stockings over the weekend, its always great to see the whole family get to go out fishing, and enjoy the nice weather. We have plenty of small treble hooks, inline spinners, and various trout doughs to help catch ’em. We are OUT of waxworms at the moment, hoping to get more in the next day or so.
Live Bait Menu:
1 Doz Nightcrawler | 2 Doz Nightcrawler | Green Worms | Leaf Worms | Emerald Shiners
Local Trout Stockings:
Swanton Reservoir was stocked on April 4th
Pearson Metropark Ponds: April 15th
Mallard Lake (Oak Opening): April 15th
Maumee Bay State Park Nature Center Point: April 22nd
Olander Lake: April 29th
Sleepy Hollow Park Pond: April 29th
We still have some of our LaCrosse waders left including some of those hard to find specialty sizes, like stout, king and expandable! Give us a call to double check if we have what you’re looking for.
Have Fun, Be Safe & Good Luck Fishing