Water Level
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
Sunrise/First cast- 6:53am
Sunset/Last Cast- 8:16pm
Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted.
Weight: 1/2 – 5/8oz
Hot Colors: White Head & Black Tail or Black Head & Black Tail
Not a whole lot to report from yesterday, we saw some walleye pulled out in the morning, and then that wind seemed to shut the bite down. Most the fish we saw yesterday were pulled out of Jerome, but Bluegrass and Buttonwood should also be decent spots today. We did also start to see some white bass brought in, no crazy numbers yet, but they are making their way in. The next week or so should be a good mixture of both walleye and white bass, as well as a variety of other fish being caught, which always makes for a fun time.
Tournament Results:
1st: Anthony Yeager – 9.56lbs
2nd: Chad Sherman – 9.01lbs
3rd: Owen Schuum: 8.06lbs
Congratulations to our winners, and a huge thank you to all of those who participated. We hope y’all liked the change of style, and enjoyed the extended time period to fish! We will be hosting our Customer Appreciation Day // Tournament Award Day on April 22nd – we will be providing food and drinks for everyone. Stop by, it is always a good time(:
Buckshot got featured in the Wild Ohio Magazine!
Trout Stockings:
Swanton Reservoir was stocked on April 4th
Pearson Metropark Ponds: April 15th
Mallard Lake (Oak Opening): April 15th
Maumee Bay State Park Nature Center Point: April 22nd
Olander Lake: April 29th
Sleepy Hollow Park Pond: April 29th
1 Doz Nightcrawler | 2 Doz Nightcrawler | Green Worms | Leaf Worms | Emerald Shiners
Should be getting waxworms in tomorrow!