Water Level
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
29.99 rising
Water Clarity
Sunrise/First Cast-Â 6:31 am
Sunset / Last Cast- 8:31 pm
Weight: – 3/4 oz– 1 ozÂ
Crossing to bluegrass is not permitted.
*Click on photos to enlarge*
Sorry-some of these pictures are from the other day- they dont always get downloaded in a timely manner for me to get them on the current post.
Today is the last day of the spring fishing restrictions. Starting tommorow on the river you can fish at night, use multiple hooks-trebels and crappie rigs etc.,AND keep 6 walleye. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of these 6 fish limits . Like I said yesterday the Lake Erie Wildlife commission officially approved the walleye limit change..what this means is that this Wednesday when the limit goes up to 6 it will stay at 6 all the way through next year -including next years walleye run!
We recently became a dealer in TEAM CATFISH products, here are just of the few items that we have in stock.
Secret 7 Dip Bait
Premium Catfishing Dip Bait
SECRET-7 catches channel cats and flatheads alike. It has a silky smooth texture with sticky blend of fish attractants that drive catfish wild. SECRET-7 dip bait is great in ponds, lakes, rivers, or streams. SECRET-7 dip bait has been tournament tested at numerous locations across the country and has won several events like the BASS PRO BIG CAT QUEST.
- Soft, creamy, and sticky
- Never have to refrigerate
- Loads on dip tubes with ease
- Never have to touch with bare hands
Dead Red Blood SprayÂ
All purpose catfish attractant
Spray on any baits and lures
Energize frozen baits
When your cut bait loses all of its blood and scent, just reel it in and give it a few squirts of our all purpose catfish attractant
Double Action Hook
Works 3 ways
1) Set the hook with a long sweep of the rod
2) Burn the reel till the fish is hooked
3) Let the fish bury the pole and hook themselves
Available in a DEAD RED finish or a standard black nickel
Have fun be safe and good luck fishing