Water Level
585 and dropping
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
30.16 in
Water Clarity
2 in
Sunrise/First cast- 7:05 am
Sunset/Last Cast-6:28 pm
Wading to Bluegrass Island is not permitted.
Still no walleye caught. Conditions look great leading into this run. The Lake is FULL of walleye waiting to run up. The water is warming and levels are dropping. The water dropped 6 in yesterday and just about the same over night. All access site are open. Like I said- looking real good.
Walleye are the largest member of the perch family . Its closest relatives and look-a-likes are the sauger and saugeye.. They all have large, glassy, opaque eyes that give the walleye its name. In shallow water at night, the eyes glow eerily under lights, readily identifying these fishes even before they can be seen.
Jig head/twister tail color combinations: Some people think it matters ,some people think it doesn’t. Here is the thing- I catch an awful lot of walleye with the green head and a green chartreuse sparkle twister tail, I know that a glow head with a purple tail is magic, and when nothing else is working throw something dark with the motor oil tail out there and that’s usually good to spark some action. Some guys swear by pink and white combo, while other guys only fish with glow tails. Berkley Firetiger and Christmas lights are FOR REAL productive baits. The truth is ,whatever allows you to fish with confidence that’s what you should go with.. remember the whole point of this thing is to have fun, so have some fun with your color choices -mix it up…ya never know.
Have fun, be safe and good luck fishing