Water Level
Water Temperature
Maumee river:48 degrees Lake Erie :60 degrees
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
10-12 inches
Pike …man what a fight–go get em.
*click on images to enlarge*
Emerald shiners in stock.
Brrrr… chilly and damp tonight –just the way the fish like it. Time to hit the lake at night or the river early morning.
Fall is a good season for fishing on Lake Erie. Steelhead trout begin to migrate into the rivers around the lake in September. So, many anglers may choose to target steelhead in the tributaries of Lake Erie, one of which is the Maumee river. Head up around Grand Rapids riffles and rapids are good locations to pick up a steelie or two.
Also, anglers can target perch and walleye in the lake during the fall months. Walleyes actively feed and prepare for winter. That’s why walleye fishing is usually very productive during the fall months. Dawn and dusk are the best times of the day to go fishing on Lake Erie in the fall. Warmer shallow waters of the lake attract walleyes during the fall season. Being that walleye are nocturnal(note their light sensitive eyes) night time is the right time. Most anglers choose to use a 6’ 6” – 7’ medium fast action rod when casting for walleye from shore. A good quality reel with good quality braid is also a good choice. Just about any pier that pokes out into Lake Erie has the potential to hold walleye at night. Bait is key, you need to have bait in the area. Check for shiners or shad in the area, if you see em the walleye usually arent to far behind.
Have fun , be safe and good luck fishing.