Maumee River report , 5 march 24

Maumee River report , 5 march 24
Water Level Icon

Water Level

580- low- crossing to blue grass island is permitted

Tempurature Icon

Water Temperature

42 degrees - right where we need it to be

Barometric Pressure Icon

Barometric Pressure


Water Clarity Icon

Water Clarity

8-10 inches



WEIGHT: 1/2 oz , 5/8 oz– water is very low,  lighter weight.

BLUEGRASS ISLAND:   Crossing is permitted

*Click on images to enlarge* 


Yesterday was 70° and be beautiful, we saw a very slight uptick in the walleye being caught. The water temperature is right where we need it to be ,however and I know you’re tired of hearing me say it ,the river level is extremely low. We need reel rain. 

When we do get rain, sooner or later, we will see a big push of fish coming into the river, that’s when it will be on.

Until then it seems like Bluegrass,  buttonwood and Davis overlook have  been the most likely spots to target some walleye.

Have fun, be safe, and good luck Fishing

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