Maumee river report

Maumee river report
Water Level Icon

Water Level

582.5 -no crossing to bluegrass island just yet

Tempurature Icon

Water Temperature


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Barometric Pressure


Water Clarity Icon

Water Clarity

1-2 inches

Today for white bass try white street, orleans park and along the Towpath.



Know the Best Fishing Times

White perch congregate in large numbers in the river and lake to spawn approximately from April through June. During the spawning season, they are easiest to catch as their movement and feeding activity is at its highest. The second time where white perch are easiest to catch is during the months of September through November.

Pick the Right Bait

One of the most effective ways of quickly catching white perch is by using natural bait. In the wild, white perch attack shrimp, crawfish,  leeches, and small fish.

Aim at White Perch Hot Spots

White perch are found in a wide range of water environments, including Lake Erie, moving rivers and quiet creeks .However, you are most likely to encounte mature  white perch in open water that’s close to the shoreline. We recommends seeking out shoreline structures that often attract white perch while also providing convenient places to stand and fish, including piers and boat docks. A common hot spot are structures over water that are 10 to 12 feet deep.

Choose the Right Technique

White perch respond well to all styles of angling and most common types of fishing gear, making them a non-finicky species that is great for beginners. However, mimicking the way the target food of a white perch fish move can increase your changes of success. In the wild, white perch chase smaller fish to the surface where the small fish leap out of the water. Casting your bait into the water, pulling it to the surface and making it skip along the surface of the water can greatly increase your odds of catching the attention of white perch.

Have fun, be safe and good luck fishing.

Suggested Baits

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