maumee river report- 16 march 2024

maumee river report- 16 march 2024
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Water Level


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Water Temperature


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Barometric Pressure


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Water Clarity

1-2 inches




WEIGHT: 3/4 – 1 oz 

BLUEGRASS ISLAND:  Crossing to bluegrass Island is NOT permitted

The river has risen 4 feet in the last day or  so its up and moving fast. NO CROSSING TO BLUEGRASS ISLAND TODAY . Or the next few days for that matter. When the water comes up like this the fish like to lay up in some calmer water. 

The river will probably crest today and start to drop overnight, making for a great sunday.


Today with this high water the two best places to fish will be Orleans and White street–also along the Towpath and Ford Street access will be likely places to hit as well. Tactics have to be adjusted to catch fish in this high water- of course heavier weights are required to get that lure down to the fish , but also placement is key. Picture this : a person trying to run full speed into a strong headwind, the resistance tires the person, but if he gets next to a wall the resistance is lowered. Same thing with these walleye swimming in mid river against the stronger than normal current. When the water gets this fast and heavy the fish will gravitate towards the bank and lay up close to shore in little breaks and eddys to get out out of that strong resistance and catch a break. So all that translates in to this- fish close into shore.  Look for those little breaks in the current where a log or rock or pillar may be slowing the water down just a bit. Short cast up stream ( usually no more that 20-25 feet and try to get the lure to drift into that current break. When it hits that current break, get ready , there may be a good number of walleye layed up in there ready to hit. Last year under these same conditions we saw a large number of fish caught with in 20 feet of shore . No need to try and cast across the river  when a good number of the fish will probably be right in front of you.

Have fun be safe and good luck fishing.

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