Water Level
Water Temperature
36 degrees
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
1-2 inches
Ok to cross to bluegrass.
Be careful , we’ve had more ice this year than the last few. The bottom has changed . That ice moves and grinds out new holes , so go slowly .
WEIGHT: 5/8- 3/4 oz
No walleye sighted so far.
The river has been steady at 35-36 degrees , however we have a few warm days on the way that will help warm things up. In addition days are getting longer so the spawning instinct in the lake Erie walleye will be triggered soon . Browsing through the internet fishing pages over the last few days, I see a lot of bluegill, crappie, and a bass here and there being caught. The weather is still kinda nasty and cold for the fairweather fisherman, but that’s OK, you hard-core anglers can gear up, head out and see what you can hook into . Pick a nice stretch a river with some rapids toss in a Carolina rig and see what happens.
Have fun , be safe and good luck fishing