Water Level
582- Crossing to bluegrass is permitted
Water Temperature
64 degrees
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
2-4 inches
There is a vast amount of white bass in the Maumee right now.
Live Bait Menu
Both locations -Maumee and lakeside shop in Curtice,OH
Frozen Shad-big ones for flathead fishing
Emerald shiner minnows –
Leeches – Not in stock yet-soon
Night Crawlers-
Green Night Crawlers-
Leaf/Red worms –
Flat of Nightcrawlers (500 worms)-
We will have crawfish in stock soon as well.
White bass and white perch were being caught in some numbers at various fast water points. Bluegrass and buttonwood will be good spots today. Try Davis overlook as well.Today the wind should be light so fishing conditions are very good. Water is at an optimal level and the temp is right for that white bass spawn.
Some good catfish being taken at Orleans park.
All access areas are fishable today, stick with the faster water for white bass.
Crappie fishing has been decent in the river. The rain has kept the river high enogh to push those crappie in to the creeks and inlets. Target brush piles and cover where they may hide . Small jigs work great. Dont get discourage they are finiky and tough to catch sometimes even when you know they are there.