Water Level
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
6 inch
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The last few weeks with the intermittent it rain has been very good fishing in Maumee River. We had a good long dry spell there for a minute, but it seems to be over for the time being, water levels look good . Smallmouth and catfish are biting hard plastic crankbaits and big joshys(which we are stocked back up on) –give some leeches a try as well.
Walleye, Walleye, Walleye -while it’s not like catching the during the spring spawning run, I think I’ve seen more walleye caught this summer than any other in the last 10 years. All out of the river at multiple points from downtown Toledo on up all along the river up to Grand Rapids Providence dam . And I’m talking some pretty good size 17 to 20 inch fish. The two things I’ve seen the walleye mainly caught on are are bouncing a night crawler along the bottom under a bobber, and throw in a 1/8 ounce leadhead with a brown or silver twister tail.
Have fun , be safe and good luck fishing