Water Level
Water Temperature
53-54 degrees
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
2-4 inches
Weight : 5/8 – 3/4
Leader length bout 4- 5 ft
BLUEGRASS ISLAND: Crossing to bluegrass Island is permitted- right at crossable level. water will start to rise later today
All areas are open.
Seeing some limits being caught at buttonwood and jerome rd rapids.
Some white perch and catfish over at white street. Some white bass scattered through the river but not in those big numbers yet.
When turnover ends and the water starts to clear, crappie often concentrate around standing timber. Here the fish can move shallow or deep as water and weather conditions dictate. On cloudy or windy days when light does not penetrate very far into the water, crappie may be within a few feet of the surface. Bright, sunny days may find them hugging the bottom. Adjust your tactics accordingly.
Jigs and minnows are the best crappie baits year-round, but if one or the other doesn t produce, try a jig/minnow combo. A combination of live bait(wax worms too) and artificial lure sometimes does the trick for finicky spring crappie.
White crappie tend to tolerate silty and muddy water better than black crappies, which prefer clearer water. White crappies have five to 10 vertical bands on their sides and backs, and black crappies have deeper bodies with dusky or dark blotches. White crappies have five or six dorsal spines and black crappies have seven or eight.
Detroit River Lt. to Maumee Bay OH to Reno Beach OH beyond 5NM offshoreline to US-Canadian border
Reno Beach to The Islands OH beyond 5NM off shoreline to US
Canadian border
The Islands to Vermilion OH beyond 5 nm off shoreline to US
Canadian border
355 AM EDT Wed Apr 24 2024
Northwest winds 15 to 20 knots becoming north. A slight chance of showers this morning. Waves 1 to 3 feet building to 3 to 5 feet.
North winds 5 to 15 knots becoming northeast. Waves 2 to 4 feet subsiding to 1 to 3 feet.
Well today will be better than yesterday. Again anlgers and jiggers that found that clean water have been dong pretty good.
We are stocked up on Hair jigs and trolling supplies out at our lake erie location
Open: EVERYDAY 6:00a-5:00p
10408 Corduroy Rd, Curtice, OH 43412
look for the big blue sign with a perch on it
Have fun be safe and good luck fishing.