Water Level
578- very low
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
8-10 inches
Buckshot got into some flatheads recently.
The river has been very low all summer, basically 4-5 feet below average. Now I know you’re saying we got a lot of rain but it’s been spotty ,and like I said before -Rain that waters the grass is not the same as rain that fills up the river.
So we have been turning our attention to the local ponds and reservoirs,. Throwing some live bait, such as wax worms, and red worms, we’ve been able to get some nice bluegill, for sandwiches. And throwing out top water and shallow diving crank baits we’ve been getting some bass here and there, all in all lots o fun.
In the next month or so, when the weather starts to cool, we will be looking forward to catching some fish off the shore lines of Lake Erie, stay tuned.
Bombers and Smithwick P-10s are now in stock.
Have fun, be safe, and good luck fishing.
Suggested Baits
Jackson - Bite FD - 2023

Jackson - Coosa FD - 2023 -BLOWOUT SALE!

Jackson - Coosa X - 2023

Jackson - Journey - 2023