Maumee River reports 13 march 2025

Maumee River reports 13 march 2025
Water Level Icon

Water Level

580 - running low

Tempurature Icon

Water Temperature

38 degrees

Barometric Pressure Icon

Barometric Pressure


Water Clarity Icon

Water Clarity

4-6 inches

Sunrise : 7:50 AM (First cast)

Sunset: 7:38 PM (Last cast)

Crossing to bluegrass island is permitted


Colors: Green head/Xmas Lights Tail – Orange head / Motoroil tail – Black head /Purple tail – black head/ Silver tail

Quick to the point today, faster water, Jerome Rd., Rapids, bluegrass Island, buttonwood. Those were the places to hit. Same today. Yesterday we had to contend with the cold cold wind otherwise I think there would’ve been a lot more fish brought in. Regardless they’re moving in pretty steady, seeing a mix of jacks and smaller females. Today should be sunny and clear, light winds. A much better day to fish.  Get to it.


*Click on images to enlarge*


Fishing poles are not designed to pull rocks out of the river, if you get a snag, pop it lightly if it doesn’t come out pull straight back to break the line and not destroy your pole. Saw seven broken rods in the last two days, all different brands. Do better Walleye Nation

Have fun, be safe, and good luck fishing.

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